November 2012 Archive

Bradley Manning

Blanking Bradley Manning: NYT and AP Launch Operation Amnesia

By Chris Floyd: On Thursday, Bradley Manning, one of the foremost prisoners of conscience in the world today, testified in open court -- the first time ...

Atlantic Yards Project NYT

As Predicted, Times Reports On How Atlantic Yards Opponents Are Exhausted By Losses; Neglects To Cite Court Win, Other News Validating Critique

By Norman Oder: I can't say I didn't predict it, the New York Times feature headlined "Opponents of Atlantic Yards Are Exhausted by a Long, Losing Battle." The Times, I wrote last month, would report that opponents were diminished and disempowered.

Judi Rudoren

‘NYT’ Reporter Jodi Rudoren Gets a Social Network ‘Minder’ After Uproar Over Gaza

By Greg Mitchell: The new, and very acitve, New York Times public editor Margaret Sullivan, whose blog post Tuesday responded to my charges about the paper’s front-page caption on a ...

NYT Poetry

The New York Times Snubs Poetry

By Cameron Conaway: In its highly anticipated 100 Notable Books of 2012, The New York Times selected two books of poetry. That wouldn't be so bad, actually, if the subtitle ...