What Does The Fiscal Cliff Debacle Say About Our Chances To Avoid The Far More Worrisome Climate Cliff?

January 2, 2013   ·   0 Comments

By Joe Romm: Our political leaders failed to meet their self-imposed deadline for dealing with the deficit in a manner that doesn’t mean austerity-driven recession.

New York Times Pushes Obama On Climate: ‘He Needs To Do A Great Deal More Than…Foster A Conversation’

By Stephen Lacey: Many were disappointed after President Obama’s first post-election press conference when he talked about the urgency of climate change — and then immediately swept aside ...

Fracking’s Lure, Trap and Endless Damage

By Ralph Nader: Say what you will about Yoko Ono’s art, there is no denying that she is unique. Who else will put several $100,000 full-page ...

NY Times Warns On Climate Change: ‘Fear Death By Water’, Rising Seas Likely To Swallow Up City If We Don’t Act Soon

By Joe Romm: The NY Times (finally) goes apocalyptic on climate change...

New York Times Slams Obama For ‘Lame’ Flip-Flop On Economic Benefit Of Climate Action

By Joe Romm: What a difference a few years — or even a few months — makes on the President’s clarity about the false choice between ...

Would the NYT Allow Oped Columnists to Blame Global Warming on Social Security?

By Dean Baker: It is fashionable in elite circles to talk say that the aging of the population will bankrupt the country as a result of ...

Hot Air Capitalism

By Costas Panayotakis: In a column published in the November 1, 2012 edition of The New York Times Nicholas Kristof describes Hurricane Sandy as a wake-up call that underlines the urgency of dealing with climate change.

Stubborn Treehouse Blockade of Pipeline

By William Boardman: Officially, it seems, the Tar Sands Blockade was supposed to be over in mid-October when the New York Times, having ignored the story for weeks, announced that it was a “last-ditch bid” to block a section of the pipeline through Texas.

Hot Air from David Brooks on Clean Energy and Global Warming

By Dean Baker: David Brooks is trying to do his best to help the Romney campaign, but apparently he hasn’t been getting the memos. Brooks’ column today is ...

David Brooks Is No Green Truth Vigilante

By Jill Fitzsimmons: Conservative New York Times columnist David Brooks argued today that the Obama administration’s clean energy investments have been “a wasteful disappointment,” citing a figure that his own paper ...

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